Have Opinions, Will Travel

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Monday, September 1, 2008

Politics Aside...

I simply could not allow the most recent set of political events to go without some sort of comment. It seems that my friends, of all sorts, are very much on both sides of the fence in this season. One thing that I am excited about, whatever the motivations, is that this will be a historic election regardless of who wins.

And for that I am grateful. While the United States in only one of a world of countries, it is the one that God gave me to be a citizen of, and for that reason alone, I want to be a good participant in our governmental system. Which means educating myself on where the candidates stand on the issues that are important to me.

I am a Christian first and foremost. My religious freedom is tantamount in any thoughts that I will have in considering a candidate. Which of them will protect that right for me?

I am a single woman. I have to make my own living, earning money and paying taxes on it. Which candidate will consider that real issue for me and so many others like me?

My brother is a military man, currently not active. Which candidate will care about him and has the experience to understand the realities of military life?

My parents are aging. Which candidate will care about their needs for health care, their home, and their protection from identity predators? Which one will understand that they fought for this country during a time when the entire world seemed to have gone crazy, my mother with less rights than I have now?

I have five nieces and nephews. Which candidate is going to take into consideration their futures as it comes to not only education in basics, but also in the arts, athletics, journalism and domestic life (both boys and girls)? This was a problem when I was in high school, hard to believe that it still is now.

Most importantly, which candidate will be able to work with a congress that traditionally splits itself along party lines, regardless of the actual legislation? How many laws have not gotten passed and things have not gotten done simply because one party didn’t like the fact that the other one came up with the idea?

All things to consider, but one more thing I will say… don’t tell me how to vote, and I won’t try to influence you. All that I ask is that you vote, for someone… in doing so you earn the most important right of all, that of the ability to complain…

Sound a little odd? Maybe, but more gets done when someone complains than when things are left as is, just ask anyone who has ever worked in customer service of any kind. It does have to be done in a respectful and honoring manner, but the comments do need to be made. So, earn the right, vote, and then make as much noise as you like.

In the meantime, I want to be about the business of sharing Jesus with everyone. While I will be praying for this election and all of the candidates, I will not take a political stand, only to say this, that in this as in all things, God’s ways, not ours.

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